To earn money, the player must talk to Applejack and begin a minigame where the player has to keep constantly clicking the left mouse button as fast as possible to kick a tree, earning bits depending on how much you clicked. This is the only way to get money in this game. There is a scene when you can have sex with Spike, which is considered pedophilia, since he is a baby dragon. Most of the ponies act very "out of character" in this game: It doesn't have a good grasp of source material.

The most infamous one is Pinkie Pie, who acts like a "bitch in heat", having sex with the protagonist without even knowing him. BANNED EQUESTRIA DAILY THE GAME FULL OF BLOOD.Although being of unfinished nature and thus in 'Beta' development, the creator has dubbed the current playable version as 'Alpha 1.4' (released on December 31, 2012).She always stands at the top of the Pick and Ban-rate on every leaderboard of any. 23, best midLucian is the best early game ADC champion in bot lane. The gameplay is very tedious, you just solve some puzzles and watch the protagonist have sex with the other characters. You can beat around 30 minutes to an hour if you get all the sex scenes and secrets quickly. Banned from Equestria (Daily) 1.4: Walkthrough.The protagonist is very unlikeable as he is a huge pervert who only thinks of having sex with every pony he meets, and doesn't learn from his mistakes. Pokehidden’s Igloo: Fluttershy Dialogue at 2:44. Since I stumble around a bit in the video, I’ll explain what I said down here. I cut out the sex scenes because you can play the game yourselves, I just show you how to get/unlock them.

The game is nothing more than an adult parody game based on a kid's show, which was probably made to appeal to some bronies and fetishists of the franchise.Watch Banned From Equestria Daily Voiced By MagicalMysticVA video and. Banned From Equestria Fucking All The Secondary Characters On The Game Mlp Fangame.Banned From Equestria (Daily) is a point-and-click sex/clop game created by Pokehidden.